Grapes - Green, Red or Black? I think I'm addicted to the little juicy balls of fruit! Here's a few grape facts.
I can't imagine a day not tucking into a bunch of juicy grapes!
Grapes offer a wealth of health benefits due to their high nutrient and antioxidant contents
There are more than 8,000 grape varieties
Grapes come in many colours, including green, red, black, yellow, pink, and purple. "White" grapes are actually green.
It takes about 2.5 pounds of grapes to make one bottle of wine
grapes are a kind of berry
Grapes are used to help cure asthma indigestion, migraine, kidnеy disease and fatigue
Grapes contain low levels of chоlеstеrоl, sodium and fat and are rich in vitаmins K and C
Grapes are a laxative if you eat too many
Grapes are 80% water so make a good snack, low in calories
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